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Post-graduate training in English as a path towards professional success

UCAM teaches Master’s Degrees in this language in areas such as administration, management, marketing, finance, health, sports, communication, tourism or education.

Students of the Master in ‘High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning’ during a cardiorespiratory evaluation with Professor Calbet, professor in Exercise Physiology. File photo.
Students of the Master in ‘High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning’ during a cardiorespiratory evaluation with Professor Calbet, professor in Exercise Physiology. File photo.

Post-graduate training is the path to follow to continue one’s own specialisation throughout professional life. For this purpose, UCAM has a wide catalogue of official and university-specific Master's Degrees, in Spanish and in English, in areas such as administration, management, marketing, finance, health, sports, communication, tourism or education. One of the post-graduate degrees taught at UCAM in the field of sports and health is the Master’s Degree in High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning. Furthermore, with this degree, the students will receive the NSCA certification book and a first-aid course (the tax for the exam to obtain the NSCA certification as CPT or CSCS is included). Apart from this degree, which is integrally taught in English, there is also the Master’s Degree in Innovation and Tourism Marketing, and the Master’s Degree in International Relations. The latter is taught by an academic team composed of professionals from more than ten countries.

Other post-graduate studies

In the near future, various university-specific degrees will start, and in this case they will be taught in Spanish, such as the Experto Universitario en Economía e Ingeniería Circular degree, organised by the International Chair of Social Responsibility; and the Educación Afectivo-Sexual degree. Likewise, the Máster en preparación Física en Fútbol degree and the Curso Superior Universitario ‘Normas de Certificación de Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria’ degree are scheduled to start soon.

Beginning in January:

-    High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning Innovation

-    Innovation and Tourism Marketing

-    International Relations

-    Economía e Ingeniería Circular

-    Educación Afectivo-Sexual

-    Preparación Física en Fútbol

-    Normas de Certificación de Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria

UCAM has the widest range of teaching options in English:

UCAM is one of the Spanish universities with the greater formative offers in English and the one that teaches most degrees in this language in the Region of Murcia. The institution has an international projection that is guaranteed by different rankings, such as the latest one by Times Higher Education or the one issued by Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo. QS Stars Rating has given the university another recognition, with the highest qualification in the field of internationalisation. UCAM excels in the indicators regarding diversity, support for international students, collaborations and exchanges.