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UCAM, the most renown private university in Spain

Digital Group analyzed the situation of the private universities in Spain with a study on brands at the Institute of Marketing and Public Opinion IMOP Insights, with a survey to 39.000 people UCAM achieved a rate of almost 25%, seven points more than the second one<br />

UCAM, the most renown private university in Spain
Archived image of the Campus of the Jeronimos.

The Catholic University of Murcia leads the visibility ranking of brands in the private university sector in Spain. The ranking was elaborated by Digital Group, regarding the year 2018, with data facilitated by IMOP Institute of Marketing and Public Opinion.

As it can be seen in the chart below created by Digital Group, in “Ranking of visibility of the brands in the private university sector in Spain (2018)”, UCAM has the first position.



UCAM obtained a rate of 23,4 percent total in the private university sector in the study. For the research, they conducted 39.000 interviews by telephone chosen through random sampling all over the country. According to the data, the Catholic University of Murcia has a privileged position in the memory of the public, as it spontaneously holds the first spot. After UCAM, the second private university is Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - UOC, with a rate of 17,2%, and University of Alfonso X el Sabio - UAX (Madrid), with a 12,3%.



All in all, there are a little over than 20 private universities in Spain, many of them concentrated in the biggest Spanish cities, such as Madrid and Barcelona.