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The UCAM leads one of the research networks in Sport Sciences of the Spanish High Sport Council (CSD)

Pablo Marcos-Pardo, researcher of the Catholic University of Murcia received in Madrid the honour as coordinator of the network ‘HEALTHY-AGE: Active ageing, exercise and health’<br /> <br /> &nbsp;

The UCAM leads one of the research networks in Sport Sciences of the Spanish High Sport Council (CSD)
Pablo Marcos-Pardo in the headquarters of the High Sport Council after receiving the honour as coordinator of one of the research networks.

The High Sport Council of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Spanish Government has presented in Madrid the 21 research networks in Sport Sciences led by the Spanish universities. The UCAM has been selected to coordinate the network ‘Healthy Age: Active ageing, exercise and health’. Dr. Pablo J. Marcos-Pardo, main researcher of GISAFFCOM (Research Group on Health, physical activity, fitness and motor behaviour) of the Faculty of Sport, will be the coordinator of this network that is currently composed by the universities of Cádiz, Granada, Valencia, the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the San Jorge University of Zaragoza, the University of Extremadura and the Catholic University of Murcia.  

This appointment places the UCAM within the leading Spanish universities in the field of research in sport. Pablo Marcos considers that “leading this Network entails the fact of coordinating different research groups from Spanish universities concerned with the promotion and research in the field of active ageing, exercise and health. The goal is to research through coordinated projects, to promote an active and healthy lifestyle as well as the development of actions for the promotion of active ageing among the Spanish population. This will cause a big transfer of knowledge and it can generate economic benefits by reducing the health and psychosocial expenditures in adults and elderly people.

With this initiative that wants to put into operation these research networks, the CSD aims at “promoting the interaction between research in the university field and the business and sport world to generate synergies and connections in strategic and new field for the overall Spanish sport system press release published in its web page.