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Tribute of iRadio UCAM to elderly people

Coinciding with the initiative of the Pope to establish the ‘World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly’, the radio of UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia broadcasted a special programme from the Los Jerónimos Campus with a small group of elders as public

José Luis Mendoza in the tribute that iRadio, the university radio of our University, dedicated to the elderly.
José Luis Mendoza in the tribute that iRadio, the university radio of our University, dedicated to the elderly.

Students of the Faculty of Communication of UCAM have carried out a special radio programme dedicated to the elders of the Region to infuse optimism, on the first anniversary of the State of Alarm in Spain that led to the confinement of the population. The programme was carried out live, outdoor, at the Pergolas Square of the Los Jerónimos Campus, before a small group of persons belonging to the Federation of Social Centres for the Elderly of the Municipality of Murcia

Under the title ‘La voz de la experiencia’ [The voice of experience], the students who, on a weekly basis, produce the programme ‘La buena onda’ of iRadio UCAM have collaborated with the Project of Research ‘Radio y Mayores’, funded by UCAM and managed by the research group DIGITALAC. 

The aim is to offer the elders of the Region a positive radio programme, in which they can share the experiences they have lived throughout this year, which has been hard for everyone, especially for them. The contents of this programme include interviews to Radio Vital, winner of the Premio Ondas 2020 awards; testimonies of people who has been supporting the elders throughout this time, such as the director of Popular TV Murcia, Paz Carrillo, the persons in charge of the Telephone of Hope or the service of Voluntary Work and Chaplaincy Service of UCAM, as well as messages of encouragement from known persons, among which stand out the cinema director, Benito Rabal, or the TV presenters, Ramón García, Antonio Hidalgo and Encarna Talavera, among others. 

During the recording of the programme, some paintings of the exhibition ‘Nuestros mayores: entre la belleza y la esperanza’ [Our elders: between beauty and hope] were exposed, oil paintings painted by elders who belong to different centres of the Region, and Joaquín Ballester Soler, a 19 year-old artist, added a musical note to the programme, which will reach care homes so that those who live there can listen to it.