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UCAM, a University with Tutored Education

UCAM, a University with Tutored Education

The Catholic University of San Antonio offers to its students, at the Campus of Murcia as well at the Campus of Cartagena, personalized attention with dedicated professors, that are implied in the education of their students 100%. There are also personal and academic tutors available for the students, and formation at the maximum level with the best of technology.

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UCAM students have low rates of abandoning the studies, and a high rate of employment after graduating

UCAM students have low rates of abandoning the studies, and a high rate of employment after graduating

The U-Ranking 2019 puts the university as the first of the region, and at the 17th place in the Spanish universities with most students finalizing the course they chose in the beginning. This success is thanks to the educative model of UCAM, where the groups are reduced, the students receive help from tutors, and the education has a practical aspect. There is a high number of students employed after their graduation, as entrepreneurs as well as working for different companies.

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