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The academic year commences at UCAM with both more students as well as more services

Students from the second year onwards have returned to their academic activity at the Murcia and Cartagena campuses, in a new academic year in which the number of students enrolled is higher than in the past. Furthermore, this figure may increase as the deadline is still open for those degrees in which there are still places available.

First group of students arriving in the early hours of the morning to begin their 24-25 academic year.
First group of students arriving in the early hours of the morning to begin their 24-25 academic year.

Reunions, hugs, laughing conversations and the first coffees this morning summed up the excitement of the beginning of the new academic year 2024-25 at the UCAM campuses in Murcia and Cartagena, which welcomed the students from the second year onwards today, with the first year students joining them next week. ‘We welcome each and every one of the students of this University with open arms and with open hearts, offering the same quality of education with which José Luis Mendoza founded the University, and which continues to be upheld by our president María Dolores García’, stressed Josefina García, rector of the Universidad Católica San Antonio. 
UCAM is once again increasing its student numbers this academic year, with around 22,000 students last year, which are expected to grow given that the enrolment period for those degrees with available places is still open. ‘We are pleased, because this proves society's confidence in the University, in our teaching model and in the values we convey,’ said the UCAM Rector. The institution has grown in practically all disciplines, especially in the areas of health, which always arouse great interest, but also in STEM (science, technology, engineering), and in the social sciences, such as Law and Business Administration. In terms of foreign students, their number continues to grow at the UCAM campuses, which implies a great cultural wealth for the entire student body. Last year, students from 135 countries came to UCAM.

With regard to innovations for this new academic year, there will be a greater implementation of new technologies in the framework of the teaching-learning process, especially AI. ‘This will surely be welcomed by students and will allow them to be at the forefront of their field, responding to the new demands of society and professional sectors,’ said Josefina García.
With regard to the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching, it is worth mentioning that the institution is incorporating the evaluation of five-year periods, ‘because simply accumulating them over the years is not enough and good teaching must be recognised’, stressed the rector. Furthermore, UCAM will continue to submit all its programmes and faculties to continuous internal and external quality controls, aiming to further accredit the quality of its educational model. 
At the same time, UCAM continues its commitment to applied research, which is already producing results through its research groups; to sport, promoting it from grassroots to top level; to the creation of Alumni, etc.
Growing numbers, also in Cartagena
The data for the Cartagena campus also continues to grow, both due to the incorporation of new students as well as teaching and administration staff, which is helping to revitalise this area of the port city. With a marked international character, this new academic year will see the first graduation of the Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry.